Saturday, September 29, 2012

Ku'i Kalo Coming to Makeke Soon!

If you are a kalo (taro) lover or are just curious about it, please come to Makeke Kapolei on Thursday, October 4 to see some ku'i kalo (taro pounding) in action to make delicious pa'i'ai. Anthony Kawika Deluze will be demonstrating this very useful craft and will even have tools for you to try it for yourself. Of course, there will be pa'i'ai to sample for free. 4-6 pm.

(Photo above is not of Anthony Kawika Deluze.)
We're on TV!  Ka'iulani de Silva, kapa artist, came to Makeke Kapolei a few months ago to share her expertise and warm touch with market-goers. Her story was captured on video with follow-up interviews. You can watch it here . . . or on TV on "Outside Hawai'i," OC16.  Mahalo nui loa to Ka'iulani for her generosity of time and talent, and to the Hawai'i Tourism Authority and Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement for making this video possible.
Kapa Making with Ka'iulani de Silva

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Let the Hawaiian Games Begin!

Hawaiian games will be coming to Mākeke Kapolei this Thursday, Sept. 6 from 4-6 pm!  Thanks to the Queen Emma Hawaiian Civic Club market goers will have a chance to play some traditional Hawaiian games enjoyed by royalty and commoners such as kōnane, paheʻe and ʻulumaika. These are fun, non-contact games that will delight children and adults.  

Participants will also have a chance to make simple games to take home.  This event is made possible by the Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority and the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement.

Konane photo courtesy of DOE