Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hawaiian Crafts and Hula Shared with Aloha

Students from Hālau ‘O Kaululauaʻe, led by kumu hula Mikiʻala Kanekoa, who is also a teacher at Kapolei High, spent a few hours teaching children from the community about making traditional kapa designs using modern methods. Children decorated t-shirts using bright colors and vivid designs.

Some children also learned how to make bags out of six-pack plastic bag rings to reinforce the concept of re-using and re-cycling.

At the end of the day, Hālau members danced for the children as a form of sharing what they love with their new friends. Hālau ‘O Kaululauaʻe is a hula school committed to maintain the knowledge and discipline of hula that has been carefully passed down from one hula generation to the next.