Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sun Powers the Market

Mākeke Kapolei is now powered by the sun! Sunetric, the largest and locally owned and operated full-service renewable energy firm in Hawai‘i is bringing its “Watt Wheels” mobile solar power station to the market to power the EBT machines, sound system, and lights.  Marko Joksimovic, an Energy Consultant with Sunectric, has been bringing the vehicle to the market for the past few weeks, much to the satisfaction of our staff and customers. The 12kWh batteries, powered up by the sun’s rays from three 230W PV panels atop the car, can provide enough energy for most of our needs. Sunectric provides this free service to community, charitable and educational groups to bring awareness about renewable energy. If you’d like to learn more about this service, come to our market on Thursday afternoons (3-6:30 pm) or call Sunectric at 262-6600 (ask for Laura Poirier).

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Malama Learning Center's booth at Makeke Kapolei features natural and locally made soft drinks (minty lime-ade, hibiscus-infused iced team, Waialua sodas) and locally grown plants. It's a good place to come to quench your thirst and take in the beauty!